I'm a Professional

The Futures Programme aims to enhance young people’s life skills and develop their abilities in order to help them move towards independent living or work.

There are five specialised programmes- from pre-Entry to Level 1. Learning programmes cover a range of skills from learning how to handle money, shop and cook, and use public transport, to developing skills needed for future employment. Many courses offer the opportunity of carrying out work experience.

When a young person is identified as being suitable for the programme, staff from the college’s SEND team will meet with them and their parent(s)/carer(s) to assess their current level of ability, discuss their hopes for the future and their individual learning requirements.

Following the meeting the SEND team will set up the young person’s individual educational package and they will be invited into college before the start of the course to meet tutors and support workers and find out about what life at college is like.

For further details, or to discuss an individual student, contact the Futures manager on 01902 317715 or email admissions@wolvcoll.ac.uk

Take a look at our ‘five step guide to becoming a student at WolvColl’:


Apply Online  – Apply online at www.wolvcoll.ac.uk/apply



Meet Tutors – Meeting between young person, parent/carer and college staff



Tutor Develops Plan – Tutor develops individual educational package



Invite into College – Invite into college to meet staff, other students and look around



Start Your Course – Start your course