Define and Aspire - City of Wolverhampton College

Define and Aspire

Are you aged 16-18?

Not sure what you want to do in the future?

Want to do a college course but don’t have the required maths and English grades?

Need to boost your personal and social skills?

If so, our Define or Aspire programmes will help you to develop a range of skills that will help you in the future - whether you want to go on to do another

college course or apply for a job.

Define – Skills, Vocation and Career programme is run on one of our colleges sites

Aspire – is run in the community

Female student painting as part of a volunteer project

About the programmes

Each programme is divided into three blocks, depending on your start date, each designed to enable you to develop organisational, timekeeping, teamwork and customer service skills, develop your confidence, interpersonal and creative skills, and identify what you want to do after completing the course.

You will also get the opportunity to take part in trips and visits, attend local and national events and hear from visiting speakers.

Completion of all elements of the programme will give you recognised qualifications in employability skills, personal and social development, entry into vocational studies and maths and English – all of which you can put on your CV to impress employers when you are applying for jobs in the future.

What will I learn?

Block 1 – Communication and Teamwork (community-based project)

In this block you will:

  • Complete a project working within the community
  • Understand how to work in a team
  • Gain relevant practical, hands-on skills

Block 2 – Business Enterprise (business and pitch)

In this block you will:

  • Plan and organise an event
  • Look at the financial, practical, IT, advertising and other key areas of running a business
  • Gain relevant practical, hands-on skills

Block 3 – Planning and Running and Event 

In this block you will: 

  • Plan and run your very own event considering primary and secondary business sources
  • Work alongside marketing teams, professionals in their chosen industry, finance and other internal and external agencies that will support you during this block.

What skills will I gain?

The units you study will enable you to develop a range of skills, including: 

  • Working as part of a team 
  • Communicating with others
  • Problem solving
  • Working together to organise a community event
  • Managing a budget
  • Advertising and promotion
  • IT and computing 

How will I be assessed? 

You will be assessed by tutors throughout the programme to ensure you are meeting your set goals, given feedback on areas where you need to improve and support to enable you to do so.

What are the entry requirements? 

There are no formal entry requirements, however you will need to demonstrate a willingness to learn and a commitment to completing all elements of the course. 

What can I do next?  

Completion of the programme will enable you to progress to a college course in a subject area that interests you.

Sign up today

Interested? Want to find out more?

01902 836000

Even if you’re not 100% sure this is the right course for you our team can help you to look at all the options available.

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