Ian Gardner
Ian was appointed as a governor of City of Wolverhampton College in 2021 and is a member of the Campus Transformation Oversight Group and the Apprenticeships Task and Finish Group.
Ian has undertaken a range of strategic and operational roles within the housing and construction sector for over 20 years. He has progressed via technical engineering positions and senior management posts to become a strategic leader in social housing.
He has extensive experience in leading large complex organisations – including succession planning and developing apprenticeship & graduate programmes – as well as leading very large and complex repairs and maintenance organisations, strategic asset management and building safety.
Ian also has non-executive board member experience in organisations across the Midlands and held the position of Chair of the Audit & Assurance Committee at a large registered provider.
Ian holds a number of technical and leadership qualifications, has a Masters Degree in Construction Project Management and is a Chartered Member of both the Chartered Institute of Building and Chartered Institute of Housing.