Enrolling for the Level 3 extended diploma in performing arts is enabling 17-year-old Kacey Howell to combine her interest with gaining the skills she will need for a future career in the industry.
Kacey said: “Whilst I was at school I was unsure of my education route after my GCSEs and, having worked hard in academic subjects, I wanted more practical training to prepare me for my future career.
“I chose to come to college as the course provides specialised training with more practical elements, and it also has better facilities for rehearsing, performing and learning the technical side of the industry.
“In addition, after many years of school, I wanted a change of environment, to feel more grown up and meet like-minded people, and because you have to take responsibility for managing your time, meeting deadlines and getting your work done, it prepares you for going on to further study or into a career.
“I’ve learnt many practical skills and new techniques and have found that, as well as performing, I’m interested in other aspects of the industry, such as costume design, choreography, stage management and the producing aspects of shows. And, also, I have gained additional life skills such as planning, time management and social skills working in teams with others.
“There are many routes to get you to your dream career, but if you’re practical and want a hands-on way of learning, this is the type of training you get at college. It’s important to be inspired during your education and the tutors have worked in the industry themselves and can share their experience and advice so that, coupled with the specialised facilities and equipment, you’re immersed in the subject you are studying.
“I’ve settled in well have a good relationship with the tutor and other students and enjoy the practical work. I’m glad I made the decision that I did – I look forward to coming to college and believe it was the best choice for me!”