Prabhdeep Randhawa currently studying the Level 3 extended Diploma in Engineering chose to study this course at City of Wolverhampton College to learn a variety of skills to use in his future career within the engineering industry.
Reflecting upon his journey so far, Prabhdeep has become more independent and his confidence has been boosted. He hope this will continue to support his plans for when he finishes his course and would like to further his education and gain a degree in architecture or civil engineering.
The college is helping Prabhdeep to define his future, here are a few reasons how:
- Supportive tutors- boosting his confidence, supporting him with assignments resulting in getting distinctions in his modules and being supportive
- Facilities – the study hub providing a great place to study after lessons
- Better experience – Prabhdeep didn’t enjoy school much but is enjoying college a lot more meeting new people
- Tutors going above and beyond providing additional support
- Providing a wealth of knowledge around engineering topics
Prabhdeep has received an unconditional offer for university and looks forward to the next part of his journey in defining his future.