Mental Health, Wellbeing Advice and Support - City of Wolverhampton College

Mental Health, Wellbeing Advice and Support

Mental health

The college is committed in supporting students, apprentices and staff with their mental health and well-being. We provide face to face sessions via our counselling and safeguarding team. We offer confidential and non-judgemental emotional support. Our staff are trained and will create a safe and welcoming environment where you can talk about your concerns that are affecting your emotional wellbeing.

We offer one-to-one support and where appropriate with your consent refer to external agencies that may be equipped to provide more specialist support.

Our safeguarding team can be contacted Monday to Friday (term time only) 

01902 317575 / 01902 821122


When the college is closed and if you are in crisis, you need to contact an emergency service or a crisis support service listed below. Unless it says otherwise, these are open 24 hours a day, every day:

  • 999 – You can always telephone 999 in an emergency.
  • Hospital – You can make your way to any hospital which has an Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department. It might help to ask someone to accompany you. Find your nearest Accident & Emergency Service.
  • Samaritans – You can telephone Samaritans 24 hours a day on 116 123 from your mobile or landline or send an email You can find out if you have a local Samaritans branch here.
  • Your GP/medical practice – Contact the medical practice at which you are registered and ask for an urgent appointment.
  • Local crisis support service – You can find your local crisis support services by visiting the NHS page.
  • Other organisations, including PAPYRUS and Student Minds offer support and helpful resources.

Do not forget the importance of talking to someone who you trust. Let family or friends know what's going on as they may be able to offer support. There's no right or wrong way to talk about your feelings – starting the conversation is what's important.

Mental Health Directory

Select an option to view the relevant support organisations. Tap on a organisation to be taken to their page.

  • Anxiety
  • Bipolar
  • Bereavement Support
  • Body Image
  • Confidentiality
  • Counselling
  • Depression/Suicidal Thoughts
  • Domestic violence
  • Eating Disorders
  • Health
  • Emotional and mental health support
  • Every Mind Matters
  • Mental Health
  • Mental Health Information
  • Stress
  • Psychosis
  • OCD
  • Self-harm
  • Safeguarding
Anxiety UK

Anxiety UK

No Panic

No Panic

Bipolar UK

Bipolar UK

Online counseling logo

Mental Health Resources for Young Adults with Bipolar Disorder

Bereavement Support
Tree in Summer night

Kaleidoscope Bereavement Services

Tree in Summer

Compton Care – Bereavement Hub

Offers a service for children and young people

who have suffered bereavement. They can also support families of young people

facing complex or incurable illnesses.

Hope Again

Hope Again – Young People Living After Loss

Cruse Bereavement Support

Is a national charity offering telephone, email,

face-to-face or peer group support to adults or children who have lost someone


Winston's Wish -

Supports children and young people who have

experienced a bereavement.

Body Image
NHS How Are You

NHS - How are you?

The Mix


Young Minds Logo

Young Minds - A guide to body image.

Cultivating Body Neutrality in Young People

Baylor University

Be Real


Here are 10 tips from the NHS to help manage covid-19 related anxiety:


Our aim is to keep the support we offer to you confidential. This means that we won’t talk about you to other people outside of the college team.

It is important that you know if we are worried about you and think that you are at risk of danger, we will discuss with you about the need for us to share our concerns with other relevant external agencies. We will only do this if we believe that you are at risk of significant harm.

Before we share any information with external agencies, we will inform you and explain our decision.



Base 25

Base 25



Marie Curie

Marie Curie

Depression/Suicidal Thoughts
Students Against Depressions

Students Against Depression



Campaign Against Living Miserably


Staying Safe from Suicidal Thoughts

Staying Safe

Charlie Waller Memorial Trust




Domestic violence

Women's Aid

Victim Support

Black Country Women's Aid

Orange Wolves Logo

Orange Wolves

Eating Disorders
Beat Eating Disorders

Beat Eating Disorders

National Centre for Eating Disorders

National Centre for Eating Disorders

Talk ED

Life Works

NHS Choices


NHS Healthy Body

NHS - Health Body

Recovery Near You

Recovery Near You


Emotional and mental health support

Kooth - is an online service for young people to access counselling and advice for various emotional issues.

Base 25 is a voluntary organisation based in Wolverhampton City Centre that supports young people up to the age of 25. It offers several projects around specific issues, daily drop-ins, and counselling support.

Beam Wolverhampton is run by The Children’s Society and offers drop-in sessions or appointments to children up to the age of 18 (this is extended to the age of 25 if the young person has a disability or is a care leaver).

Childline is a national charity that offers support to children and young people who have worries that they want to talk about.

The Samaritans is a national charity that offers support to anyone who needs to talk or those concerned about the emotional well-being of another person.

Wolverhampton Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is part of the National Health Service and is based at the Gem Centre in Wednesfield. It works with children and young people aged up to 18 who have mental health difficulties or a learning disability.

PAPYRUS - is a national organisation which aims to prevent suicide in young people. They offer information on their website and a ‘Hopeline’ for young people up to the age of 35 who may be feeling suicidal.

Information Advice and Support Service (IASS) —The IASS is for parents/carers, children, and young people. It offers impartial information, advice, and support on matters relating to a child or young person’s special educational needs or disability from birth to 25 years.

Every Mind Matters
Every mind matters

Every Mind Matters

Mental Health


Rethink Mental Illness

Rethink Mental Illness



Time to Change

Time to change

Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Our Community

Mental Health Foundation

Mental Health Foundation

Wolverhampton Health Minds

Mental Health Information
Look after your mental health using exercise

How to look after your Mental Health

Overcome fear and anxiety

How to overcome fear and anxiety

Look after your mental health

How to look after your mental health

Look after your mental health using mindfulness

How to look after your mental health using mindfulness

How to sleep better

How to sleep better

Manage and reduce stress

How to manage and reduce stress

Support mental health at work

How to support mental health at work

Look after your mental health in later life

How to look after mental health later in life

The truth about self-harm

The truth about self-harm

Stress Management Society



Stress Busting

NHS Choices

Stress Busting

Hearing Voices Network

Hearing voices

Living With Schizophrenia

OCD Action



OCD Action

NHS Choices


Royal College of Psychiatrists


Wolverhampton safeguarding

Wolverhampton Safe Guarding

Further Support

Get in touch

Our safeguarding team can be contacted Monday to Friday (term time only) 

01902 317575 / 01902 821122