The college is committed in supporting students, apprentices and staff with their mental health and well-being. We provide face to face sessions via our counselling and safeguarding team. We offer confidential and non-judgemental emotional support. Our staff are trained and will create a safe and welcoming environment where you can talk about your concerns that are affecting your emotional wellbeing.
We offer one-to-one support and where appropriate with your consent refer to external agencies that may be equipped to provide more specialist support.
Our safeguarding team can be contacted Monday to Friday (term time only)
When the college is closed and if you are in crisis, you need to contact an emergency service or a crisis support service listed below. Unless it says otherwise, these are open 24 hours a day, every day:
Do not forget the importance of talking to someone who you trust. Let family or friends know what's going on as they may be able to offer support. There's no right or wrong way to talk about your feelings – starting the conversation is what's important.
Select an option to view the relevant support organisations. Tap on a organisation to be taken to their page.
Our aim is to keep the support we offer to you confidential. This means that we won’t talk about you to other people outside of the college team.
It is important that you know if we are worried about you and think that you are at risk of danger, we will discuss with you about the need for us to share our concerns with other relevant external agencies. We will only do this if we believe that you are at risk of significant harm.
Before we share any information with external agencies, we will inform you and explain our decision.
Kooth - is an online service for young people to access counselling and advice for various emotional issues.
Beam Wolverhampton is run by The Children’s Society and offers drop-in sessions or appointments to children up to the age of 18 (this is extended to the age of 25 if the young person has a disability or is a care leaver).
The Samaritans is a national charity that offers support to anyone who needs to talk or those concerned about the emotional well-being of another person.
PAPYRUS - is a national organisation which aims to prevent suicide in young people. They offer information on their website and a ‘Hopeline’ for young people up to the age of 35 who may be feeling suicidal.
Our safeguarding team can be contacted Monday to Friday (term time only)