“I am currently a probation officer which is my dream job and without going to college to get my foundation degree I would never be where I am right now,” said 24-year-old Suvern Sidhu who completed the Foundation Degree in Health and Social Care in 2017.
Suvern added: “I really enjoyed studying health and social care at A-level and wanted to do it at degree level to open up my options for a career.
“I struggled academically at school and, as I was unable to go straight to university, I completed the foundation degree before moving on to university to do a one-year ‘top up’ which enabled me to gain my degree. And then my dream job.
“I got an unbelievable amount of support from the course tutor – he took a lot of time to explain subjects that I did not fully understand, and even when I left college and went to university to do my top-up course he cared enough to still take time to explain things to me and my peers.
“If you are someone who struggles academically and feel that going straight to university will be difficult, do a foundation degree first because, once you have, you’ll feel that you are able to overcome whatever you’ll face at university.”