Getting a Saturday job at Zak’s Hairdressing in Wolverhampton gave Molly Cutler an insight into working in the industry and, just a few years later, she’s completed an apprenticeship and is working there as a graduate stylist!
Molly, aged 19, said: “Having worked at Zak’s at the weekend I couldn’t see myself doing anything else and so, when I left school after Year 11, I started an apprenticeship there.
“I found it easier to learn in a practical way, rather than doing written work and, as well as gaining the knowledge and skills I needed to become a stylist, I also learnt social skills, how to greet and communicate with people and how to build relationships with clients.
“Now I’ve competed my apprenticeship I feel really proud of myself and very accomplished at having achieved everything I’ve been working towards for the last two years and I’m looking forward to building up my client list and taking every opportunity for further development that I can.
“By doing an apprenticeship you can earn money while you learn the skills for your chosen career and potentially you have a job to go straight into because, if the company has trained you, they are more likely to keep you on because you’ve learnt their way and have built a relationship with staff and clients during your training.”