“I love it!” says 17-year-old Charlie Mason when asked about life at college and the hospitality qualification he’ studying for.
After spending a year in the sixth form at school Charlie – who wants to manage a pub or organise events and eventually become a hospitality tutor – realised that it wasn’t the right thing to do to get him into his future career and so made the decision to come to college to do the Level 3 diploma in professional food and beverage service instead.
“I realised that sixth form wasn’t helping me to get where I wanted to be and I’m so pleased I decided to come here instead.
“I’d seen the sign for the Academy restaurant in the window at the Metro One campus but was really surprised when I saw the facilities – there’s everything you need here to train for a career in hospitality.
“Working in the restaurant is a great experience and it makes me feel good when customers give feedback on how good the service has been.”
And the experience has had added benefits for Charlie as he’s just landed a job as part of the food and beverage team at the Mount Hotel in Tettenhall.
Charlie added: “My skills certainly helped me get the job and I’ve already worked at large functions at the venue, as well as serving afternoon tea and working in the dining room.
“It goes to show that you don’t have to go to university to be successful. Since I came to college in September everything has improved – I’ve learnt so much and I’ve grown up too. I can’t believe how quickly the year is going – I don’t want to leave!”