Benefit from...
A generous annual leave and bank holiday entitlement.
FTE allowance:
The annual leave year runs from 1 August to 31 July.
Benefit from...
Closedown periods at Easter and Christmas.
This means that, including bank holidays, all staff can enjoy two weeks off at Christmas and one week off at Easter.
Benefit from...
Fractional working (ie not full-time)
Over 1/3 of our staff work fractional hours which means that they have the flexibility to accommodate other commitments alongside their work role.
Benefit from...
Enhanced maternity, paternity and adoption pay over and above the statutory allowance
The same enhancements are offered for shared parental leave.
targeted retention incentive payment of of up to £6,000 if you are in the first five years of FE teaching.
This is dependent on the subject you teach and additional eligibility criteria - for more information click here.
Benefit from...
A £500 bonus payment if you recommend someone for a fulltime role at the college and they pass their probation period.
You will need to still be employed at the college at the time of the payment which will be subject to the usual deductions.
Benefit from...
A chance to win on the monthly college lottery.
For just £1 a month (deducted from your salary) you will be entered into a monthly draw.
A payroll number is randomly selected each month and the winner takes it all!
Benefit from...
An annual wellbeing day in July.
Held at one of the campuses, the day is an opportunity for all staff to step away from work and take part in a range of fun activities focussing on fitness, relaxation, crafts and mindfulness.
The wellbeing day is in addition to other staff wellbeing activities throughout the year.
Benefit from...
Annual staff celebration at the end of the academic year.
Held at an external venue, the event is an opportunity to recognise and celebrate staff contributions throughout the year and includes presentations, awards, lunch and refreshments.
A Blue Light card for emergency services, NHS, social care, armed forces and those working in education.
The card costs £4.99 for two years and can be used at a wide range of places - including shops, online and restaurants.
Benefit from...
Savings on the costs of a new bike and safety accessories through the the Cycle2Work scheme.
Purchases are made through a salary sacrifice scheme - which means you'll make savings on tax and national insurance contributions - and payments can be made monthly to help spread the cost.
Benefit from...
Membership of the gym at the Wellington Road campus.
For just £7 per month you'll get a free personal training session to get you started, the opportunity for a six-week 1-2-1 personal training package, and free advice on training methods and programmes.
Benefit from...
An employer enhanced pension scheme through the Teacher's Pension Service or Local Government Pension Scheme.
Employee contributions are based on FTE salary.
We also offer AVCs via Prudential as well as a death in service benefit of 3x annual salary.
A confidential counselling service helpline providing support and assistance with personal issues such as bereavement, divorce and bullying.
The employee assistance scheme is provided by DAS.
The opportunity to upskill and improve your knowledge at designated CPD days throughout the year
You'll also have access to a directory of training courses to improve your skills further.
Benefit from...
The opportunity to take part in an annual survey to give your views on a range of issues across the college.
The survey is undertaken each June and feedback is taken into account when planning provision and services for the future.
Benefit from...
Your own online portal where you can book annual leave, view your playslip, submit travel expenses and book training courses, as well as change personal information and update your KPIs